Drug Sensitivity Analyzer
Bacterial identification
The XK bacteria identification / drug sensitivity analyzer adopts the latest microbial classification scheme and can be used for Enterobacteriaceae, non-fermentative bacteria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Micrococcus, Fungi, Vibrio, Neiss Identification and susceptibility test of fungi.
Disease control center custom slats: large intestine / salmon / funge / cholera susceptibility kit (Ⅰ), large intestine / salmon / funge / cholera susceptibility kit (Ⅱ), Acinetobacter baumannii susceptibility kit (I), Acinetobacter baumannii susceptibility kit (II), non-sensitive Enterobacter susceptibility kit.
The powerful software function not only helps clinicians choose the best antibiotics, but also provides the greatest help for epidemiological investigation, drug resistance trend analysis and hospital infection management.
All Chinese operation software
  • 028-6676 7298 / 189 8222 5064
  • 359216476@qq.com
  • 6-3-201, No. 88, Tianchen Road, hi tech West District, Chengdu
版权所有:Sichuan Shengshi Hengyang Technology Co., Ltd Copyright 6-3-201, No. 88, Tianchen Road, hi tech West District, Chengdu